lettertosoldier so far

1 minute read

It has been a month seen we’ve deployed lettertosoldier.

Let’s see what we’ve achieved so far.

First, using Google Analytics, we’ll track the page view.

The peak of the graph during first 5 days are the result of online-promotion. October 5th, we began deploying by uploading a file in the website for family members who have a soldier. Next day, I’ve posted in the facebook group called Daily Coding, one of the largest IT related groupin Korea. Expect for the first week, we are not doing anything to promote this program, during this week the average page view per day is 7. It about time that we begin promoting again.

The total page view has reached 1,976 during first 4 weeks. Which isn’t bad, I am expecting to see 2000 by the end of this week.

Next is real-users.

Korea Army Training Center provides a search engine that allows us to view other people’s letter. Since the letters written by lettertosoldier always starts with the date notation such as 2017-10-date, we can easily keep track of real-users.

Roughly collecting the data from each regiment:

  • 900 letters in 23rd regiment
  • 800 letters in 25th regiment
  • 200 letters in 27th regiment
  • 1600 letters in 28th regiment
  • 50 letters in 29th regiment
  • 80 letters in 30th regiment

Which sums up to be total of 4230 letters during October alone. Average daily amount would be 140 letters.

Total page view: 1976 Total number of letters: 4230 Average daily letters: 140

Which isn’t too bad. After the first deployemnt, we went straight to the midterm. We didn’t have time to add new feature and catch some bugs. However, since the midterm is over, I will dedicate myself to the project for the next few weeks.

To every Trainees in the basic academy..

Why I’ve made this.
