Download lettertosoldier, Automatic program that sends letters to soldiers in Republic of Korea Army
–>Download lettertosoldier_v2.1.1 <–
This program is designed to send news, textfile, and facebook status from Bamboo Univ. to soldiers in KATC(Korean Army Training Center). Starting from v2.0.1 we can send letters to any training centers in ROK Army.
Before using the program, you should:
- Install Chrome Browser to your computer
- Download the lastest version of lettertosoldier
How to use it
- After downloading the file, decompress the file.
And run the green letter icon in the middle.
- After filling in the receiver(soldier)’s information in the blank, click send.(If format isn’t right, it won’t be sending the letters)
2.1 For Nonsan KATC, write 0 for division.
2.2 For other training centers in the Army, write the designated division.
- Authorize the access.
- Until the browser relocates you to the ‘Cell Phone certification’ please DO NOT click anything on the browser.(Install the required KEY PROTECTION program)
- When you are done with the ‘Cell Phone certification’,
- The letters will be sent autimatically!
Caution: If you click something inside the browser while sending the letter, the whole procedure will be canceled.
How to send a text file
- Please open the text file that came with the ‘lettertosoldier’ program.
- Fill it with the contents that you want to send
- Press send and complete the ‘Cell Phone Certification’! It will send the letters automatically.
To the trainees(soldiers), letters means a lot. If you know anyone at the basic training center, please send them lots of letters.
Click this to find out how many people are using this.
Click this to find out why I made this program.
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