Google Kickstart 2017 Round F Overall Analysis
Google Kickstart Round F
Google Kickstart Round F
Google Kickstart Round B
Google Kickstart Round B
Google Kickstart Round B
Here’s the definition of Ternary Search in Wikipedia
Google Kickstart Round B
```cpp #include
Competed in the Google Code Jam 2017. Couldn’t go further than Round 1. May be it was me, but solutions weren’t exactly friendly. Perhaps it is a good idea t...
I’ve been working on a little project that sends letters automatically to soldiers in ROK Army Training Academy.
This article has been written in English
Moved to a new blog. As the former blog was torned down by my mistakes, I had no choice but to rebuild the new one. But experience is the name we give to our...
In 2017, one of the most hottest issue in Korea was “Bitcoin”, or “Crypto Currency”.
It has been a month seen we’ve deployed lettertosoldier.
–>Download lettertosoldier_v2.1.1 <–