Letter to Soldier

1 minute read

I’ve been working on a little project that sends letters automatically to soldiers in ROK Army Training Academy.

Not much could be explained in English, since this project is solely for the male in this country who carry the duty of carrying arms.

It sends news, long texts, or Facebook status to soldiers who have 0 contact with outside world. During our basic training we do not have access to TV, Phone, Internet, nor newspaper.

One of the only method of getting a message is by letters. Some of the letters were sent by papers, but most of them were written in a ROKA Training Academy’s Website, handed to each soldiers by printing them out.

When I was a Trainee in ROKA Training Academy, my father used to send me the today’s news through this method. I used to share it with my platoon, so we could know what’s going on outside.

I’ve honorablely finished my time of service and one of my friend is in the Training Academy right now. I originally made it just for him.

However, as the time goes, I think more soldiers could benefit from this project.

I’ve been working on it for almost 3 weeks now, and it’s almost done. Hopefully this could make some of the young men smile during the challenge of a life time.

Letter to Soldier This is the link to the project that I’ve been working on.
