Google Kickstart 2017 Round B Overall Analysis

1 minute read

Google Kickstart Round B

It has been over a month since I’ve participated in the Google Kickstart Round B. It was a busy month for me as my ETS (expiration term of service) is getting closer. I couldn’t find time to write the solutions as I wanted. Now that I am having more free time, I hope I get more chance to study algorithm problem solving skills.

Problem A. Math Encoder

First Problem was fairly easy, I just had to twist the view of the problem. Thinking of the algorithm wasn’t that hard, the hardest part was writing the code down. I still have long jouney ahead.

Problem B. Center

Second Problem looked pretty easy first, but it required complicated method to find the minimum value in monotonic function. Without knowing the proper method, the time complexity wouldn’t let me solve the problem in time. I couldn’t come up with a way to solve this issue, so I couldn’t go beyond problem A. However, after having some time to do some research, I have found the way to find the minimum value in monotonic function. Which is Ternary Serach. Experience is simply the name we give to our mistakes, now that I have aquired a knowledge, I won’t have the same issue as the last time.

Problem C. Christmas Tree

Because of the limited time I had, I couldn’t have proper time to solve Third Problem. Surpringly, in my opinion, the small test case in Third Problem was much easier than the small test case in Second Problem. Maybe I should have made a stragetic move to solve the small test case in third problem.

Since only problem I solved during the contest was Problem A, I scored 23/100 and ranked 394/940.

Here are the solutions/analysis of Google Kickstart Round B:
