구글을 성장 시킨 우정 (번역)
원문: The Friendship that made Google Huge (The New Yorker, December 10 2018, James Somers)
원문: The Friendship that made Google Huge (The New Yorker, December 10 2018, James Somers)
일전에 이야기 한 것 처럼, 이번 여름에 인턴십을 구하려고 여러군데 서류를 넣고 면접을 봤었다.
좋은 서비스의 정의란 무엇일까?
In 2017, one of the most hottest issue in Korea was “Bitcoin”, or “Crypto Currency”.
Foreign Market, Reading the papers again Based on the previous post, I should make a compariable reference.